How to Choose A Better Training-Collar for Your Love Dog?

How to Choose A Better Training-Collar for Your Love Dog?

How to Choose A Better Training-Collar for Your Love Dog?

Nowadays too many choices on training collars.To improve the way you use your shock-collar, these are things that are gonna keep you make sure you're using it in a humane Way. In a way that doesn't hurt your dog,but also in a way that takes advantage of these incredible tools.I love my shock collar or electronic collar whatever you want to call it ,when we talk about shock ,people think electricity high-voltage are not nice to our puppy.It's a static electricity, it's like rubbing your feet in the carpet.There's no permanent damage here for the dogs as far as what the shock.However if it's in the wrong hands or if you're not using it right .It really can cause a lot of damage. I think a shock-collar is really almost absolutely necessary if you're gonna let your dog off the leash ,and so five tips on keeping your dogs safe,also getting the most out of the shock-caller, make sure these five tips can take all by you,because it might be the most important tip of you.  

So for the very first tip and this is probably the most obvious one is, it's got to be fitted right on his neck ,usually higher up on the neck rather than lower down, because if they put it way down into the neck where it's a little bit thicker ,it can work its way up and then it's too loose ,and so a lot of times you'll see them wearing them almost where it looks like it's like right up at the base.

Number two is has to do with the way you keep it stored, any decent dog collar system that you buy,any collar system that you're going to buy, especially if you're an out doors man ,and you like to get outside, is gonna be waterproof and you want both the remote and the collar to be waterproof,but the charging apparatus whatever that might not be waterproof, I charged it before a big hunt or before a big hike ,so I like to keep the charger with me and with all of my other dog stuff in the bucket, and so what I like to do is just keep it in a gallon zip lock bag ,it's one of the doubles zip doesn't have to be. You don't have to spend a lot of money on these then .I just keep the charger and the collar and the hand and the remote all in the same bag when I get to wherever we're going. I pull it out and and it's all right there as soon as we get back to the truck .I take it off and it goes back in the back.

Tip number three and this is the one that I think I've never seen anyone use a shock-collar like this or at least talk to people about using a shock-collar like this ,and that is to use it in place of a clicker and how to charge a clicker or introducing a dog to clickers.I suggest that if you get an electric collar, I suggest that you get one that has three functions you want . One that has stimulation, vibration and tone ,and tone is the one that we're going to use, and so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna use the tone of the collar the same way that I use a clicker ,and so to charge that.and knows that that's a good thing what we're gonna do is we're gonna send him out there. we're gonna blow the whistle when he turns around and sits, we're gonna give him a good boy tone,we're gonna give him the clicker or the tone on our collar good boy. The reason I really like this feature is because it takes what usually, let's be honest shock collars and e-collar have a really negative stereotype in fact.They're outlawed in some countries like the UK ,but this opens up a whole new way to use the collar, it provides a way to give positive reinforcement when they're doing what you want them to .I've not ever seen anyone teach this particular use of an e-collar and in my book if I were to write a an e-collar book ,this would be the number one thing that I would highlight in fact.I would suggest that there's even some benefit if you're really adverse to using any kind of electric stimulation at all.Take the probes out and don't even use that just use the tone on this as a clicker and you can give your dog that positive reinforcement when they're a hundred yards away .The other benefit to this versus any kind of a positive reinforcement training or anything that would be adverse to using ,E-collars is the fact that I can get my dog's attention when there are a hundred yards away whereas you know, if my dog is out of the range of a clicker noise and there's something that distracts him to the level of not paying attention to my calls .I have some way to reinforce it so that is I think the biggest positive or the biggest potential out of these collars.

Number four and this is I don't know how to emphasize this. One enough an electric collar is not a tool that you use to introduce your dog to a new command, this is a finishing tool and so whatever process you've been using to teach your dog, the command whether that's treats or clickers or a leash some kind of a pressure collar .Whatever process you've been using those steps need to be in place, and if you're working the command sit or if you're working the command come or heal or raft whatever all of those things need to be introduced and proof meaning,you've taught them you've worked on sit inside the house in the back yard ,in the front yard with distractions ,and then out in the open field ,then you've done all of that and you know without a shadow of a doubt that your dog is well versed and very comfortable with the command sit and what you mean when you say that, then this becomes the finishing tool. This is how we're going to eliminate any has .Any hesitation if you give the command and the dog hesitates ,then we're going to introduce the vibration or the stimulation, then the next part of this is when you do introduce it, make sure you start on the lowest setting I like I said. In the previous to previous tip one of the tips before already, I like the collar that have three features or three functions I want tone, vibrate and stimulate and so. I'm going to use the tone like I said for the positive reinforcement .I'm going to start with vibration some dogs very sensitive dogs, that's all you're gonna need if your dog doesn't respond to vibrate ,then you can move to the stimulation ,but you're gonna start at the lowest setting and you want to just go high enough until you get your dog's attention until he and you'll notice this, watch his head when you give a command and he doesn't respond you, you zap him or you buzz him a little bit ,he's gonna respond with that ,that twist of the head he's gonna look at you ,and that's the perfect level you don't want to go any further than that.You don't want your dog yelping because of that's going to actually distract and take away from your training. It's gonna make your dog cower.It's gonna make him really uncomfortable and it's gonna ruin your relationship. He's never had the shock collar on but there are some things that he's comfortable doing .

My last and final tip a lot like with Bark collars the electronic collars are the e-collars, the shock collars anything that has that little prong on it .You have a risk of rubbing the fur raw and once you rub that raw, and you create a sore and open sore on your dog's neck ,you have the risk of an infection, you have the risk of your dog starting to scratch at it and cause more you know .Inflict more damage so you want to make sure that you're not leaving the collar on your dog for long periods of time. Another reason that you want to make sure you don't leave your collar on and I made this mistake once, this is why I know this is super important .I left my collar on my dog one time ,came in sat, the remote up on top of what I thought was out of my kids reach, went into the other room came out about five minutes later, and my kids had the remote and I could see that you know luckily .I had it turned down to a rather low setting ,but I could see my dog sitting over in the kennel from where I was standing in the kitchen and scratching and his head was twitching, and I realized that I had my kids were in there not realizing that this was on my dog ,and that it was turned on it was you know learn from my mistake.I'm not above knitting that I make mistakes and that's why and I pass it on to you ,so now as soon as we're out of a place where my dog doesn't need this anymore, we're back to the truck. I take it off ,but I also think that you know anytime you're in a place where your dog is off leash ,and there's the potential for a distraction, that's why you know we've got this relatively large highway kind of a quasi highway behind us ,a lot of traffic a lot of big trucks I don't know if you can see it from now, it's just over this Knoll but this is a place where even though there doesn't seem to be that much here ,if something were to distract my dog and take him off and over. I would want that the e-collar in place because I can get his attention .I've been on runs with my dog before where he was off leash and there was another dog that became very aggressive and kind of trying to be alpha ,and it looked like we were headed four-four kind of a dogfight with my e-collar.These are all experiences I have with my dogs where the e-collars help me a lot,especially thank you for Dr. Trainer training collar.